Five common exercise mistakes to avoid 

Joshua Steckler, owner of Push Fitness, a personal training studio located in Schaumburg shared the following information in a article posted in the Daily Herald Newspaper on December 30, 2013:

Thinking of hitting the gym in search of a healthier body in January? If your workouts include strength training, and they should, don’t make these common mistakes that many times cause unnecessary injury and hinder results. Read more 

Rise In Obesity Leading To An Increase In Knee Replacements 

Knee replacement surgery (also known as knee arthroplasty)
, where the joint is literally removed and replaced with an artificial one, was once thought of as an older person’s surgery or for those with sporting injuries.  But the trend towards people under the age of 65 being referred is on the up, and new research has now pinpointed rising levels of obesity as the culprit.

The study, carried out by The University of Massachusetts Medical School, looked at 9,000 knee replacement patients and found that 55% of patients in the under 65 age group were obese, compared with 43% in the group who were 65 or older.  And of the patients in the under 65 years age group, 11% were classified as severely (morbidly) obese, compared to 5% in the older age group.  Read more 

Meet The League of Illinois Bicyclists (LIB) 

The League of Illinois Bicyclists is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to improving bicycling conditions in Illinois. They are the statewide advocate for all Illinois bicyclists, promoting bicycle access, education, and safety. Their vision is :  “Illinois – Land of Safe and Enjoyable Bicycling for all.” 

In addition to great information about biking, their website provides  helpful quizzes for Adult Bicyclists, Motorists, and Child Bicyclists at

The League of Illinois Bicyclists has also developed bike safety sheets focusing on safe riding skills. The single-page format can easily be reprinted in newsletters, copied for bike rodeos, etc. There are two versions: one for younger elementary school kids (Grades K-3), one for older elementary and pre-teens (Grades 3-7).  The back of each has further details for parents.

The sheets may be downloaded and printed for your use.  Limited quantities of printed copies are also available from LIB (630-978-0583).  To print a copy go to: of Illinois Bicycls

Give Your Family The A Gift Of Health 

The DuPage County Health Department would like to remind residents about the importance of getting an annual flu shot. Flu season can last as late as May and getting a flu shot is the best way to avoid the flu.

Influenza is a contagious respiratory infection that can lead to serious complications like hospitalizations or even death for some people. Even healthy children and adults can get very sick from the flu. Read more 

Don’t Let the Holidays Derail Your Healthy Lifestyle 

November is a great time of the year, with the leaves changing and our attention turning to the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. This month is also National PTAs Healthy Lifestyles Month – a time when PTAs are encouraged to celebrate health and wellness in their schools and communities.

In their new brief, the PTA shared that many folks may think: “How can I possibly think about promoting healthy eating and physical activity during a time of year that brings families together to eat lots of delicious food, watch football, and stay warm and cozy inside?” Families may think: “It’s simply not possible to eat healthy or have time to exercise until after the New Year.” And, everyone may think: “Healthy food tastes bad and exercising is too hard.”

Simple Steps to avoid Diabetes 

diabetes-ribbon-2Twenty-four million American’s have diabetes, 25 percent of whom are not even aware of the fact.  This growing disease, also referred to as adult onset diabetes, is affecting a large number of the adult population. Even more alarming is the rate in which this disease is showing up in teenagers and children.

There is good news.  Type 2 diabetes (the most common form of diabetes) is preventable. In fact, roughly 90 percent of cases could have been totally avoided simply through a healthier lifestyle.
The Mayo Clinic has published five steps to prevent or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes:
Get more physical activity. Adults should get about 30 minutes of exercise a day and children and adolescents should get about an hour of exercise a day in order to maintain a healthy weight.

  • Get plenty of fiber. Foods high in fiber include; fruits, vegetables, beans, whole grains, nuts and seeds. Replace chips and candy with these healthy snacks throughout your day. Read more 

Ten Healthy Eating Tips 

yogartRobert Alan Anderson, an AFAA certified personal trainer and martial arts instructor working out of the Washington, D.C. area, and Claire M. LeBrun, M.P.H, R.D., L.D.  a registered dietitian specializing in weight management working out of the Washington, D.C. area tweeted these tips. They are worth sharing!

Healthy Eating Tip No. 1
Start by changing the “snack ratio” in the house. Slowly and gradually have more fruit and healthier snack choices around, rather than the typical, higher-calorie junk food. For instance, have three types of fruit (apples, oranges, grapes) to replace some of the small bags of chips or candy bars. Or simply start replacing unhealthy snacks with alternative choices, such as oatmeal bars, granola bars or peanuts and yogurt.
Healthy Eating Tip No. 2
When shopping at the grocery store, spend more of your time in the outer aisles. That’s where you’ll find the healthier foods, such as fresh fruits, fish and vegetables, which are naturally lower in fat and cholesterol and have not been filled with sugar, salt and other preservatives that add on the pounds. Read more 

Calling all Husbands, Fathers, Sons, Brothers and Friends! 

The National Ovarian Cancer Coalition (NOCC) is looking for all men who have a connection to ovarian cancer are interested in supporting NOCC and each other by joining our new men’s group.

Men who have lost their spouses have asked NOCC to form a men’s group. If your spouse or relative is in treatment, or is a survivor, and you would like to be a part of this effort, then please consider joining us!

This male-centered group will be all about support and information services our men need to care for their wives and partners, for sharing losses, celebrating survivors and getting the word out about ovarian cancer – because ovarian cancer is more than a woman’s disease. Read more 

Woman Health Magazine’s Calorie Guide 

weight-loss-manteca-caThere’s no getting around this fundamental truth: You can’t have weight-loss success unless your calories burned are more than your calories in. Leslie Bonci, M.P.H., R.D., a sports nutritionist at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, recommends these formulas for figuring out how many calories your nutrition plan should include.

Everyone is different, but it will give you a basic idea.

Lazy-Day Calorie Goal
(use on days when you’re taking it easy/not exercising):
A. Your weight, in pounds: ____
B. A x 15 = _____
C. B – 500 = _____

Busy-Day Calorie Goal
(use on days when you’re active/exercising):
A. Your weight, in pounds: ____
B. A x 18 = ____
C. B – 500 = ____

Aim for these numbers and you’ll lose 1 pound per week, a weight-loss rate that’s healthy and super-easy to maintain. And … don’t forget to exercise too!