Remote Workers Have Developed Bad Hygiene Habits 

CRAFTJACK shared the results of a nationwide survey that found personal hygiene habits and workspace cleanliness are seriously lagging behind in-office standards (and are getting worse). It found that many people have let themselves go during the pandemic. Given the situation, it’s natural that we aren’t fussing with all the details we once did. But the extent to which some remote workers have let things slide is, well, alarming. Early in the pandemic, jokes about not wearing pants were abundant. But have we taken things too far? What’s the point of hiring contractors to make your home look nice if you’re going to sit around in your sweatpants watching your toenails grow and respond to most of your emails from the toilet?

A recent survey of  1,255 Americans who transitioned from being office workers to remote workers over the past 24 months asked about the nastiest work-from-home habits.

The habit that has changed most dramatically since the beginning of the pandemic is wearing makeup. Ninety-two percent of those who once wore makeup to the office are wearing less at home, and 56 percent have stopped wearing it all together during work hours. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with not wearing makeup, and it’s not related to hygiene. No doubt there’s widespread relief for many who are able to cut that out of their morning routine.

As for actual hygiene, nearly half of remote workers (46 percent) are showering less than they were before, with one in four (27 percent) saying they only shower twice per week or less.

In addition to asking about what’s being neglected, we also asked what behaviors are on the rise now that so many of us work in the privacy of our homes. A whopping 88 percent of those we surveyed say they work in their pajamas with some regularity, and 84 percent often work barefoot. Read more 


Safe Kids District of Columbia ,a nonprofit organization working to help families and communities keep kids safe from injuries shared in the Rise and Shine Blog that if you and your loved ones are planning to spend time outside in the cold or traveling in the snow this winter, here are a few tips to help everyone stay safe.

Playing outdoors

  • Wear clothing that works for the cold!
  • Playing outside? Do a check-in every 30 minutes to look for signs of frostbite.
  • Shivering is a dangerous sign! It’s time to end outdoor play for today and get inside to warm up.

Winter coats and car seats

Before road travel with children, it’s always a good idea to check your car seats to ensure they are installed properly. If you are unable to make it to an in-person inspection, you can always schedule a virtual one with a Certified Child Passenger Safety Technician (CPST). For more information on local car seat inspection services, click here.

  • Remove bulky coats before getting in the car seat, so they can be buckled in snugly.
  • Use a blanket or put their coat on after buckling them in.
  • Kids that use wheelchairs may need extra blankets for their legs in the car.

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Trends in Parenting Heart-Healthy Children in 2022 

Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago shared that as we forge ahead into the new year, much attention will be given—as always—to our health, both current and aspirational. Millions of Americans have recently made resolutions to live better this coming year, to eat less sugar, to eat more greens, and of course, to move more. As we do, we should think as well of the youngest among us, about what they eat, how much they move, what forces govern their lifestyles, and how their routines both bad and good have significant implications on long-term heart health.

Recently, we polled more than 1,000 American parents, to better understand how they think about and act in accordance with preventive heart health guidelines, particularly with respect to nutrition and physical activity.

We began our inquiry on the important subject of parents as role models. Arguably, there is no more powerful influence on a child’s preventive health profile than the behavior they see modeled by their parents. Of course, there are complex influences at every level of the family, and many adults struggle to eat well and be active even without the added burden of being an influence on children. Read more 

Whixh Foods Are Anti-Inflammatory? 

Men’s Health: A Guide For Getting Fit and Healthy In 2022 

Worldly Gentlemen shared that getting fit and healthy, it’s everyone’s goal. We all want to be the best we can possibly be, but it’s not easy. Sure, we all want to be super fit and healthy, but getting there is the hard part.

We all have different, unique lifestyles, and it can be hard to fit in what we need to with our lifestyles. Especially in the modern age, when life is so fast, and it is hard to fit in time to just focus on ourselves.

It doesn’t need to be super hard though, and you need not change your diet entirely, or start hitting the gym every week. While some would have you think that, that’s just not true.

You can change little things in your life that will have a big difference, and even if you do not go full fitness, the little changes count.

So, what can you do to get fit and healthy in 2022? Well, we have the answers. Read on to find out. Read more 

8 Essential Vitamins and Minerals for Overall Dental Health 

If you are looking to improve the health of your gums and teeth, start with good nutrition. The first and most crucial aspect of your oral health is your diet. The human body needs many minerals and vitamins to maintain excellent health. Since a human being’s physical well-being is associated directly with oral health, it is important to understand how nutrients and vitamins support healthy teeth and gums.


How Can Diet Contribute To Tooth Decay? 

If you don’t consume and maintain a healthy diet, you’re likely to suffer from tooth decay. A nutrient-rich diet helps you maintain dental health, while a poor diet is what encourages tooth decay. Sugars and carbohydrates feed the plaque bacteria built up on the teeth, eroding the enamel and causing cavities.


What foods should you avoid, to avoid tooth decay?

Tooth decay occurs when you have a dental plaque with bacteria that lives on the sugar you’re consuming in your diet, which can cause tooth decay. Cavities are due to the bacteria metabolizing sugar and turning it into acid, dissolving your tooth structure. Sugar and acid can be your teeth’ worst enemy. Coffee, chips, soda, soft drinks, alcohol, sticky food are problematic foods that can increase the risk of tooth decay.


3 Key Minerals for Dental Health 

  1. Calcium: Calcium is that friend that helps build and strengthen our bones while protecting our tooth enamel. Calcium-fortified juices and dairy products contain calcium that you can consume to promote healthy teeth and bones. Foods rich in calcium include cheese, yogurt, broccoli, and salmon.
  2. Phosphorus: Protein-rich foods like poultry, meat, eggs, and fish are good sources of phosphorus, a mineral that helps protect and rebuild tooth enamel. In other words, foods high in phosphorus support calcium to build strong bones and teeth.
  3. Potassium: Potassium helps the body regulate and control blood acidity. In the case of the blood becoming too acidic, acids can remove calcium from our teeth and jawbone, thus weakening them. A potassium-rich diet can help our teeth and bones use calcium more effectively. Foods rich in potassium include tomatoes, potatoes, bananas, avocados, and prunes.

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Is Acupuncture An Effective Treatment For Plantar Fasciitis? 

George Panayides, from Traditional Acupuncture Clinic, shared that suffering from plantar fasciitis can be frustrating. But you’re not alone.

Almost one in five Aussies suffer from foot pain. Yet, not everyone with foot pain has this condition. This can lead to confusion and a missed diagnosis. The result? Continued, needless discomfort. Discomfort that can hamper — even strip — your quality of life.

But there is an answer.

Firstly, you need to understand what plantar fasciitis is and how it’s diagnosed, so you can treat the right thing…

Secondly, you need to know which treatments have scientific backing. There is no point wasting your time and your money chasing the wrong form of care. (Sadly, many people do, resulting in ongoing pain)

Fortunately, acupuncture has shown much promise in relieving this stubborn condition. Read more 

Leave Your New Year’s Diet Out In the Cold 

Is there a better way? Intuitive Eating and mindful eating are “non-diet” approaches backed by research and now making headlines as ways to improve your relationship with food and more naturally manage your weight for life.

Gluten-Free and Gaining

Research shows that many people with celiac disease gain weight on a gluten-free diet. A 2012 study followed almost 700 patients with celiac disease and found that about a quarter of those who were overweight at diagnosis gained weight on the gluten-free diet. A 2010 study of nearly 150 children with celiac disease on the gluten-free diet found that the percentage of overweight participants almost doubled. For those who are underweight, gaining a few pounds may be a good thing and can improve overall health. But for those at a normal weight or even overweight at the time of diagnosis, weight gain may cause great distress.

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How to Set Fitness Goals 

The National Institute on Aging shared that many people find that having a firm goal in mind motivates them to move ahead on a project. Goals are most useful when they are specific, realistic, and important to you. Be sure to review your goals regularly as you make progress or your priorities change.

Download and use the Goal-Setting Worksheet to document where you want to be in both the short and long term.

Write Down Your Short-Term Fitness Goals

Short-term goals will help you make physical activity a regular part of your daily life. For these goals, think about the things you’ll need to get or do in order to be physically active. For example, you may need to buy walking shoes or fill out an Activity Log so you can figure out how to fit physical activity into your busy day. Make sure your short-term goals will really help you be active. Here are a few examples of short-term goals:

  • Today, I will decide to be more active.
  • Tomorrow, I will find out about exercise classes in my area.
  • By the end of this week, I will talk with my friend about exercising with me a couple of times a week.
  • In the next 2 weeks, I will make sure I have the shoes and comfortable clothes I need to start walking for exercise.

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Plan NOW for the GGR’s New Year’s Walking Challenge 

For the month of January, we are highlighting a community-oriented 31-day walking challenge. While it might sound a bit simplistic on the surface, walking is one of the most efficient ways to keep your body and mind sharp. It’s also one of the easiest ways to stay fit, even if you’re already hitting the gym on a regular basis.

“Everybody’s got 10 minutes to go out there and take a walk, and that’s all that it really takes. And it’s going to have a compounding factor,” strength coach Jesse Burdick said on an episode of the Mark Bell’s Power Project podcast. “If you’re outside, getting a little of sun, breathing fresh air…it just has a compounding effect on your mood, psychologically, it keeps you further moving things along.”
All you need to do is to follow a chart which details how long you should walk, and on what days. Consistency is key here.
Although the walks will get a little more challenging as the month goes on, it is designed, so you can continue your other workouts–but you could also just do this on its own if you wanted.

The goal here is to provide a foundation for your fitness journey and put you in a position where you can accomplish any other goals you might have, whether that’s running a mile or to start lifting heavier weights.
To participate, go to:

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