Moving: Tips to Help Your Children Cope
When it comes to moving, there are a lot of mixed emotions involved, especially if you have children. While no parent wants to uproot their child’s life, it’s bound to happen from time to time. On average, over 15 million families move within the United States each year. A majority of parents choose to make the move while their children are still young, which comes with its struggles and benefits. The less time children have to establish strong relationships, the easier it is to relocate. However, young kids can’t always grasp the concept of leaving their friends, school, and home, making it harder to accept.
If you’re currently in this type of situation, check out these five steps to help your children cope with a move!
1. Introduce the move
The first step in preparing your child for a move is, to be honest with them. Let them know what’s going to happen and answer any questions they may have. Be empathetic and patient, as they may be upset or not understand. Especially with young children, it’s important to give them positive reassurance on such a big life change. Let them see that you’re excited, and that will likely give them a sense of excitement too. Regardless of a positive or negative reaction, give them time to process this information and be open to talking more about it with them if needed.
2. Plan the move
Now that your children know you’re moving, it’s time to start planning. Reduce your child’s stress around the unknowns by planning ahead and taking care of the details. For example, understanding how much you can afford to spend on your new home is crucial. Online mortgage preapproval can help with expectations and avoid uncertainty during the move. Once you have your mortgage pre-approval from the lender, you’ll be able to feel confident and ready since you now know your budget without having to get attached to homes out of your price range.