Three Easy Ways to Prevent Cancer  

College of DuPage Nursing Student Angel Salinas wrote for Healthy Lombard that Cancer is a deadly disease that has been around for thousands of years and remains one of the leading causes of death worldwide year after year (National Cancer Institute 2020). Unfortunately, with cancer being so prevalent nowadays, odds are you or someone you know has been affected by this horrific disease. With that in mind, the importance of cancer prevention cannot be stressed enough. In this article, she will discuss three simple ways you can reduce your risk of getting cancer.


Exercise & Healthy Weight

Engaging in regular physical activity has been shown to reduce the risks of multiple forms of cancer. In fact, the National Cancer Institute (2020) went on to say that physical activity can lower the risk of bladder, breast, colon, endometrial, esophageal, kidney, and stomach cancer. It is also important to mention that this form of physical activity does not have to be extremely intense. Simple activates such as walking, playing sports, or dancing can meet the criteria. Additionally, performing regular exercise is also beneficial for cancer survivors as it can reduce the chances of a reoccurrence. Another added benefit of regular exercise is that it aids in maintaining a healthy weight. This is great because being overweight or obese increases the risk of cancer as well.


Healthy Diet

Eating a healthy diet is a great way to improve anyone’s health. However, there are specific food choices that have been shown to decrease a person’s risk for cancer. The Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research (2018) recommends eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, limiting processed meats, drinking alcohol in moderation, and avoiding obesity. These recommendations are great because they are all simple and obtainable guidelines that most people can start to implement immediately. That being said, these are just a few of the dietary changes that can help reduce your cancer risk. 


Get vaccinated! Hepatitis B is a very serious liver infection caused by the hepatitis B virus. In turn, this infection can lead to a series of complications including liver cancer. Also, the human papillomavirus (HPV) is a sexually transmitted infection that has been shown to cause cervical and other genital cancers. That being said, the hepatitis B and the HPV vaccines can assist in avoiding these infections in the first place.




Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. (2018, November 28). 7 healthy habits that can reduce your risk of cancer. Mayo Clinic.

National Cancer Institute. (2020, February 10). Physical activity and cancer fact sheet.

National Cancer Institute. (2020, September 25). Cancer statistics.

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