Meditation Exercises for a Better Sleep  

Jan from the website called my sleep ambition shared that there’s little doubt that we live in a very stressful world, which is why so many people have trouble sleeping on a regular basis. In fact, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), approximately 30% of Americans claim to experience some type of sleep disruption on a regular basis, but many experts consider this a very conservative number. The percentages go up for people over the age of 60. With numbers like this, it’s no surprise that over-the-counter sleep aids are selling like hotcakes, but fortunately, there are more natural ways to combat your sleep problems.

The Natural Way Is Better

Researching the best tips to help you fall asleep is easy because there is a lot of information out there about all types of natural sleep methods. This includes aromatherapy and essential oils, teaching yourself how to relax and clear your mind, and even doing yoga to stretch those muscles so that you have less pain when you finally fall asleep. People who have trouble falling or staying asleep usually suffer from one of two problems: physical pain or emotional turmoil. If you can pinpoint which of these affects you the most, you can more easily find what you should do next.


Many people automatically reach for over-the-counter medications when they’re having sleep problems, but this is rarely a good idea because most of them are made to help you get to sleep fast, not to keep you asleep or help you to sleep better throughout the night. When you’re looking into natural ways to help you sleep, meditation is always one of the activities suggested. If you think you’ve got too much going on and can’t concentrate on meditating, think again. Meditation is made to look like a long, drawn-out process in TV shows and movies, but in reality, it is as simple as ever.

Why Meditation?

You may not consider meditation one of the best exercises to get better sleep, but it is an exercise nonetheless because it teaches you how to breathe properly to get you into better shape, which will naturally help you sleep better. Most people don’t breathe properly with long, deep breaths but instead, breathe much too shallow. Meditation helps you breathe the right way so that you can feel better and get to sleep much faster. The best part is, the process of meditation is much easier than you think.

Meditation is much more than a way to relax. It is thought that meditating regularly can also cause positive effects on your body, including:

● Activating the part of your brain that controls your sleep patterns.
● Decreasing your blood pressure.
● Increasing serotonin and melatonin, which are natural sleep enhancers.
● Reducing your heart rate.

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