5 Fun Workout to do with Your Kids at Home 

 Sancket Kamdar, a certified weightlifting coach, who founded SF Healthtech wrote that there’s a saying that “once you start exercising regularly, the hardest thing is to stop it.” But when you have children, you may find yourself clueless about how to exercise with kids at home? These little munchkins are always on to some mischief and demand constant attention.

But do you know that you can channel this high energy of kids to do the workout with them? His post guides you on how you can do a family workout with kids by explaining some ideal exercises for kids.  Check out his five popular family exercise ideas that help you chalk out a family workout plan involving kids.

(1) Set up an At-home Gym

Setting up an at-home gym is significantly beneficial when it comes to your and your family’s mental and physical fitness. You don’t need an ample space or fancy equipment. You can have a small set-up in a storage or garage space with proper ventilation.  Some basic kinds of stuff which you need for a home gym are:

  • Resistance Bands – Resistance bands come in the level of as little as 3 pounds. That makes the resistance band a suitable workout for kids at home. You can do all sorts of interesting exercises with resistance bands, including squats, lunges, etc.
  • Yoga Mat – Yoga is good for physical fitness as well as the mental sharpness of kids. And a yoga mat is everything you need to do most yoga exercises. You can take ideas from YouTube videos for ideal yoga exercises for kids.
  • Exercise Balls – There are many ways to exercise with exercise balls for kids. You can engage them in curl roll-outs, plank balancing, etc. Kids also enjoy doing push-ups on exercise balls. Make sure they have a cushion when they fall from the exercise ball.
  • Jumping Rope – It’s no secret that kids love to jump. You hardly need any effort to convince them for this exercise. You also need limited space for jumping rope with your kids. There are many benefits of skipping, and therefore it is one of the best home workouts for kids, which you can incorporate into your small home gym.

(2) Go on a Hike With Your Family

Hiking is a great family exercise. It enhances motor skills, social-emotional skills, and communication skills for kids. Nature also makes them feel the sensory integration. Those mountains have so much in store for you as well.

Along with fresh air, they bring immunity power, reduce blood pressure, and improve your sleep quality. So ditch the amusement park or the beach picnic to go to the mountains with family in the serene lap of nature.


(3) Do Full Body Workout Through Swimming

Swimming is a full-body workout, and you can conveniently go swimming with your whole family, including kids. Swimming is one of the most fun exercise ideas for kids. They love swimming in lakes, the ocean, swimming pools, and even in the bathtub! It’s suitable for adults as well.

Swimming is known for lowering stress levels and increasing energy levels. This workout is suitable for you if you don’t like to sweat in the gym.


(4) Indulge in Strength Training Together

Don’t get shocked! Strength training can be a suitable kid’s workout, provided you train them for the low-resistance level and limited repetitions. Strength training can be a mini workout for kids among a variety of workouts.

It’s a well-rounded exercise for kids, which increases their endurance and prepare them for many types of sports. Strength training of kids may only need to work out with their body weight. For instance, they can do push-ups, sit-ups, planks, etc.


(5) Play Outdoor Games & Sports With Kids

Make a workout schedule for kids which involves their favorite outdoor games. Most of them can be played in a park or in your backyard. It’s even better if your kids are interested in a hardcore sport. Sports and games improve thinking ability, team spirit, and other vital qualities in kids, which help them in their academics.

Games and sports are ideal workouts for busy moms with kids. Otherwise, moms hardly get any time to take care of their health and fitness.


You can make fitness exciting for kids by creating a mix of kids’ workouts in the home gym and outdoor activities. Apart from being suitable for kids, the home workouts and outdoor activities particularly mentioned in this post take care of your entire family’s fitness.

Moreover, indulging in a workout with kids give you an opportunity to have fun and increase bonding in your family.

Author Bio: Sancket Kamdar, a certified weightlifting coach, and a successful entrepreneur founded SF Healthtech with a single goal in mind – to bring high quality, international standard exercise equipment to help fitness enthusiasts and athletes reach the next level of fitness. When he’s not working on new equipment ideas and designs, he loves to create educational content about health, fitness, nutrition, and wellness. He also writes to help budding entrepreneurs on running and growing a business, based on his experience.


Images were provided by and paid for by the author  from https://elements.envato.com/.




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