Morning Sickness – All You Need To Know  

Gee Singh, the co-author of,  shared the following post with Healthy Lombard.

So what is morning sickness? Well, it’s the name used to describe nausea and vomiting associated with your pregnancy.

Having suffered from morning sickness myself, I decided to dig deeper into this phenomenon in order to make a helpful guide for moms-to-be experiencing the same thing. I spent an entire weekend researching on the internet, reading papers, and speaking to other moms online informing this All You Need To Know guide.

Remember to always get medical advice from your doctor if you are getting unexplained recurrent nausea or vomiting.

Signs and symptoms

Morning sickness tends to strike in your first trimester, around week 4 of your pregnancy. Studies show it will affect around 70% of expectant mothers. [1] Thankfully, it usually ends around the 16-week mark. A few women report their symptoms do continue later into their pregnancy.

Despite the name, morning sickness can actually surface at any time of the day … or night. And as I found out when I was first pregnant … multiple times during the day! It’s not uncommon to wake up in the morning to a queasy sensation, but this can occur whenever. 

Nausea may be reminiscent of car or seasickness. For me, the daily car ride to and from work was the trigger. I remember repeatedly sprinting from my car (leaving the door wide open) and straight into the bathroom. It was a surprise my car was never stolen!

Many women report a keener sense of smell during pregnancy. So, as a result, certain scents can often spark nausea. Specific foods (e.g. spicy foods) may trigger a strong reaction within, making you peckish. I couldn’t bear the sight or smell of chicken without turning green. You may feel nauseous straight after eating, almost as if that last meal didn’t sit very well with you. Actually, some ladies report feeling hungry during or straight after bouts of nausea.

Pregnant women often report a metallic taste in the mouth. This can be enough to make anyone feel sick. Other triggers include heat and excess salivation. Although, symptoms can sometimes come on alone.

Naturally, retching often may lead to actual vomiting.

To read the entire article, click here.

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