Women’s Health: Why Every Women Should Have an OBGYN 

Maggie Bloom shared with Healthy Lombard that OBGYNs specialize in helping women take care of their health and their bodies, from adolescence to post-menopause. They are experts in women’s sexual and reproductive health, including pregnancy, birth control, menstrual cycles, menopause, infertility, and breast cancer. OBGYNs also have general medical training, so they can care for you when you need a gynecologist or urologist referral. For many women, the idea of a yearly checkup with their OBGYN is nothing but unpleasant and uncomfortable. But there are plenty of reasons why you should make an appointment with your doctor to get your pelvic exam and Pap test even if you have no symptoms.

You’ll Know the Ins And Outs of How to Practice Safe Sex

It might seem obvious, but a gynecologist will be able to counsel you about the dangers and consequences of unprotected sex. She might even have helpful tips to help you and your partner stay safe with each other. Your OBGYN can discuss any issues with your body, whether it’s a sex drive that’s too low or too high, concerns about your periods, or even a strange odor from your private parts. They will be able to talk about what is typical for you and how you can make things better if you aren’t happy with how things are running down there.

Preventive Care Protects Your Health

A routine OBGYN visit can help ensure your overall health by taking care of some of these issues before they become a problem. And if you’ve already had children, routine visits also provide an opportunity for a Pap test to screen for cervical cancer and STI testing and potentially other preventive screenings. Gynecological examinations for prevention are intended to find and identify illnesses and problems that impact your health. Therefore, women need to undergo yearly gynecologic checkups since regular treatment puts them in charge of their health.


Your Health Needs to Change throughout Life

A woman needs to have a Women’s Health Care Provider who is there for them through every stage of life. From puberty through menopause, a woman’s body is incredibly complex. It takes more than training to understand female anatomy and provide the right treatments. Good communication between doctor and patient is the foundation of any quality relationship. The doctor should be able to explain the woman’s physical exam findings and test results in terms you can understand.

OBGYNs can offer continuous personalized care for all stages of a woman’s life. ObGyns provide a full range of medical and surgical services for women’s reproductive health issues, including routine checkups, contraception, family planning, sexually transmitted infections (STI) prevention and treatment, and counseling on a range of issues related to contraception and pregnancy.

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Importance of OBGYNs during Periods

Menstrual periods come with a host of symptoms that can be debilitating. Fortunately, some over-the-counter medicines and menstrual products exist that can make this time easier. But it’s also worth setting up an appointment with your gynecologist to find out what you might need because, without proper planning or risk management, you could end up in much more discomfort than you need.

Importance of OBGYNs during Pregnancy

Pregnancy is the most essential part of a woman’s life. As such, taking precautions is important to help prevent risks and complications. During pregnancy, your body goes through many changes, physically and emotionally. Many women feel overwhelmed and concerned with their weight gain, eating habits, sleeping patterns, and simply understanding what’s going on in their bodies.

The importance of seeing an OBGYN during pregnancy has never been more critical. Because of the evolving nature of medicine today, there are more opportunities for support during the birthing process. You must select a physician (OBGYN) that perfectly meets your needs. You will have an OBGYN throughout this important time in your life until after the baby has been delivered. Before booking an appointment with an OBGYN, do a Google search for the best “OBGYN near me.” This will ensure that you have the best medical care possible.

Regardless of whether you’re trying to get pregnant or not, having a relationship with an OBGYN can prove invaluable over time as your needs may change. As your pregnancy progresses, you may find that you need to see an OBGYN more frequently or even move in with your doctor to get the most out of your healthcare. If you happen to be taking fertility drugs or undergoing IVF, it is vital that you speak with an OBGYN.


Maggie graduated from Utah Valley University with a degree in communication and writing. In her spare time, she loves to dance, read, and bake. She also enjoys traveling and scouting out new brunch locations.  

The story photo is from  https://www.pexels.com/photo/people-woman-technology-computer-7089015/

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