Shopping With The Seasons 

The Healthy Kids blog shared that with the help of modern grocery stores, most produce is available to us year-round. Although it may not seem like it, shopping with the seasons can make a pretty big impact on your wallet, your health, and even the environment. It’s better for your wallet. Pay attention to the price of your favorite fruits and vegetables throughout the year. When in season, you’ ll likely be able to find certain product in abundance and snag a great sale. When out of season, you might find yourself grumbling at the price. Why is that? If you’ve ever grown your own fruits and vegetables at home, you know that they require a specific set of resources (amount of water, hours of sunlight, time to harvest, etc.). When in season, foods can essentially grow on their own, without any excess resources making them time and labor intensive. Purchasing out of season means putting a little extra money towards the support needed to help those fruits and vegetables thrive in less-than-ideal conditions.  

It’s better for your health. Shopping with the seasons means eating with the seasons! It can be easy to add the same fruits and veggies to the grocery list each time. When you’re shopping from a seasonal produce list, you’ l be trying something new every few months! This also means you’re eating foods that are packed with their highest amount of nutrients. Out-of-season foods come from places a l around the world, where in-season foods can be grown loca ly. Take tomatoes, for example: In the offseason, they are picked green so they can be shipped to the grocer without rotting. When in season, they are picked at their peak and often from a local grower, requiring less travel.

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