Childhood Obesity 

College of DuPage Nursing Student  Savita Paneru researched for Healthy Lombard that the causes of obesity are both genetic and biological in origin. If one parent is obese there is a 50 percent chance that he or she will be obese, if both parents are obese, there is an 80 percent chance that their children will be obese (CDC,2021). Non-genetic causes of pediatric obesity include poor eating habits, binge-eating, lack of exercise, and family history of obesity. Depression and social-emotional problems can contribute to obesity. Stress in the home may affect the child, such as from parents who argue or abuse in the family. If the child is not able to talk to someone for support outside the home, they will find a way to distract themselves by eating too much (CDC, 2021).  Because of mobile phones and television children spend less time outside playing and more time sitting in their room, watching television, and end up gaining weight.

There are a number of risks and complications of obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, increased risk of heart disease, breathing problems, sleeping problems (CDC, 2021). Diabetes is the number one risk associated with childhood obesity, almost 50 percent of obese children are diagnosed with diabetes (CDC, 2021). Excess fat affects the arteries and causes difficulty in blood flow, contributing to heart problems in adulthood. Obesity not only affects the child physically but also emotionally, making it difficult for the child to have peers to play with at times.

To consider the physical cause of obesity, obese children need a complete evaluation by their pediatrician. In the absence of a physical cause, the only way to lose weight is to decrease extra calories by increasing physical activity. In children, it is easy to increase physical activity by playing outdoor games, like badminton, soccer, or running. When these activities are fun, they are more enjoyable. Kids have a habit of eating snacks more consistently, and excess weight may be prevented by limiting these snacks. Also, parents should never use food as a reward. Healthy habits such as walking and running will encourage children to appreciate these activities and enjoy doing them.


Obesity is a serious problem that every parent should be aware of. Ensuring children have healthy eating and exercise habits by participating in outdoor activities is important. Getting children involved in physical activities and encouraging them to eat healthily and follow healthy habits at young ages will help them to establish healthy habits. Practicing healthy habits as parents are also important; children do not do what we say, they imitate us, so parents should also practice healthy habits. Pediatric obesity affects not only a child or adolescent’s weight but their overall health and self-esteem, so encouraging them to live a healthy life while young is especially important.


Aacap. (n.d.). Home. Retrieved September 29, 2021, from

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021, June 21). Defining childhood weight status. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved September 29, 2021, from

What is childhood obesity? Obesity Action Coalition. (n.d.). Retrieved September 29, 2021, from




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