National Nutrition Month 

Nicole Palmieri, who is currently studying Dietetics at the University of Dayton, shared with Healthy Lombard that…

As we approach March, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics has deemed this month as “National Nutrition Month.” This annual campaign was created to emphasize fueling our bodies with proper nutrition and other wellness habits. This year’s theme is “Celebrate a World of Flavors,” focusing on how there are countless flavors from cultures around the world that can create tasty and nourishing dishes. To practice healthy eating and a balanced lifestyle, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics has designated a goal for each week in March!


Week 1: Eat a variety of nutritious foods

The first week of this month is a great excuse to focus on what should be implemented in our life every month, which is eating a variety of foods! While it can be comfortable to reach for what we know and love, branching out and trying new items in each food group can expand and diversify the nutrients and vitamins our bodies are receiving!


Week 2: See a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN)

If you are feeling lost as to how to feed yourself or your family with an affordable, accessible, preferential, sustainable, or long-lasting aspect, find an RDN to receive personalized nutrition information to meet your needs. Additionally, if you are struggling with a certain lifestyle or condition, find an RDN who specializes in that and can assist you with your diet and health.



Week 3: Plan your meals and snacks

Thinking about and preparing your meals and snacks ahead of time is beneficial because you will be saving your future self from grabbing the first (and likely not the most nutritious) option when in a rush. Instead, preparing a few meals and snacks ahead of time will ensure you are fueling your body, even on the busier days. If you need ideas, check out my recent article here.


Week 4: Create tasty foods at home

Learning to cook new recipes may seem daunting, but there are so many well-written instructions for dishes out on the internet that make the process easier and more enjoyable! Challenge yourself to try a new flavor of food from another culture, such as a vegetable curry, chicken dumplings, shawarma, falafel salad, or masala, among many others!


Week 5: Put it all together

To build a habit, it is important to be consistent with it! Practicing these goals will be helpful to leading a more balanced, fueling and healthful life! For the month of March, keep each week’s goal in mind as you are grocery shopping, cooking, and consuming your meals!





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