Founded in October 2009, Healthy Lombard is a Village-wide Initiative that was formed in order to address the problem of Childhood Obesity with positive, effective solutions as well as promote living a healthy lifestyle.
It sponsors a website that features a daily blog, a calendar of community-wide events, and health-related resources; donates sports balls to the Lombard/Villa Park Food Pantry; participates/organizes local health fairs; and provides hands-on activities such as Apple Crunch Day, Teal Pumpkin, Active Summer (also known as Flat Apple), and G.Y. M. (Get Yourself Moving) Bags for 1st. and 2nd graders. These items often involve both children and adults because, without great adult role models, children’s habits will not change.
Healthy Lombard is very proud that it has been recognized as a blueprint for other villages and towns to follow in their quest to make a positive difference in the health of future generations.