Join Us
Healthy Lombard has accomplished great things since it’s humble beginning in 2009 and 501(c)3 status in 2010.
Check out our 2019 Annual Report, it gives a great overview of our accomplishments.
Links to the rubric describing the levels of Partner Membership as well as a membership application are listed below (Klonopin.
When applying, you may either download the application, complete it, scan it, and email back to or snail mail it to us at Healthy Lombard, c/o Jay Wojcik, 128 South 3rd Avenue, Lombard, IL 60148.
Donations for membership may be made by addressing a check to Healthy Lombard or using the donate button in the upper right-hand corner on the main page of this website.
Downloadable Forms:
Supporters Levels and Benefits for 2020-21
Healthy Lombard Supporter Application for 2020-21
If you have any questions about membership, please contact
Health Lombard Board President Jay Wojcik at (