Go Fly A Kite
Every year in April, kite enthusiasts across North America celebrate the history and the future of the world’s favorite pastime by letting their kites fly. It is a month to celebrate the joy and happiness that comes from letting out the line, letting your kite catch the wind, and letting that kite soar high into the sky.
To celebrate this fun activity, each April, Healthy Lombard sponsors a “Go Fly A Kite” event at the Lombard Park District’s Time for Tots,
Each child is given a kite kit and encouraged to decorate the kite with stickers and markers. Then volunteers help the tots assemble the kites even adding on the ales and flying string. They are then encouraged to try to fly their kites either in the park district’s field or at home.
Further, participants are asked to take a photo of their child with their kite and send it to jay@healthylombard.com for posting on the Healthy Lombard Facebook Page.
All entries were entered into a drawing at the end of April. Two winners were selected at random and each receive a $25 gift card to Yorktown Mall.
This event was a win-win for the organization and the tots. Everyone had fun and the tots were introduced to a great outdoor activity.