Flat Apple
What is Flat Apple?
Healthy Lombard’s Flat Apple Summer Program is designed to motivate kids (and their parents since adults are children’s role models) to start, or continue physical exercise, learn about healthy lifestyle choices, participate in healthy group activities, and practicing healthy habits. The program is designed to encourage kids to keep their bodies moving when they are on summer break from school.
The summer activity is called Flat Apple because participants need to show the Healthy Lombard logo (a one-dimensional apple) to receive their participation raffle ticket and/or include the Flat Apple 2016 logo (they receive a copy when they register) with their “Healthy Selfies”.
Children ages preschool through high school were eligible to participate
Congratulations to the Winners of Flat Apple 2016!
At the August 19 Healthy Lombard Foundation Partners Quarterly meeting the attendees pulled the names from one basket and the prizes from another basket. Below is our list of winners:
- Name
- Tasmine Cattron
- Kylie Dacanay
- Mason Fort
- Marcus Frega
- Luciano Guemez
- Emily Hall
- Maddie Kloss
- Anthony Kruchte
- Nolan Pleva
- Treasure Strong
- Isaiah Thompson
- Rachel Vish
- Claire Yochim
- Prize
- Beat Headset #2
- Mini iPad
- Lombard Park District Golf Package #1
- Beat Head Set #1
- Backpacking Tent
- $25 Gift Card from Inland Bank
- GNC Gift Bag
- Lombard Park District Gift Bag
- GYM in A Box
- Bike
- Four Tickets to Red Stars Game
- Lombard Park District Golf Package #2
- 3 Game Play Set
Prizes will be awarded on Saturday, September 24 at 10AM. at the William J. Mueller Memorial Gazebo located on the grounds of the Lombard Historical Society, 23 W Maple St, Lombard, IL 60148.