The Healthy Lombard Foundation is a 501c3 village-wide initiative that was created in 2010 to address the epidemic of Childhood Obesity and promote a Healthy Lifestyle for all individuals. To accomplish this mission, Healthy Lombard uses a Triple A Approach of Awareness, Activities and Achievement.

Following is a review of our efforts during 2015.
- As of December 2015, HL identifies 46 Partners with links to them from the HL website
- Board Member Partners and Major Fair Sponsors also have their logo linked on the main age of the HL website
- The Village continued to declare by proclamation the 2nd month of the year in 2015 at Fitness February.
- The Healthy Lombard website generates over 41,000 hits per month.
- HL maintains sites on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube
- HL has developed an App at:
- HL hosts its own 1/2-hour cable show, Health Local, that features 6 different video segments as the 2nd half of the Cable show SchoolScape. AND is also shown in its own time slot 4 times a month on Comcast Channel 19 from the Elmhurst hub
- Built Partnerships with two local restaurants that resulted in a nutritionist reviewing their menus and then designating items acknowledged by HL as being a healthy choice.
- Provided a week of healthy recipes for distribution through High School District 87
- Supported the DCHD’s “Rethink Your Drink” Project through airplay and poster distribution
- Sponsored and coordinated a Workplace Wellness Workshop conducted by the DCHD
- Guest Presenter at the 8th Annul School Wellness Conference, Champaign, IL
- Funded seed purchase for Madison School’s indoor garden activity
- Began collecting number of board member’s volunteer hours
- Flat Apple” changed to four, child-focused specific site activities (a race, a bike ride, and two fitness challenges. Added “charting participants lap times at each FA event.
- Held the 2015 FFF at Yorktown Mall, on a Saturday from 10 – 2 PM with 36 tables, 8 performances and 2 participant fitness contests. The schedule changed every 20 minutes.
- Continued -line registration in 2015 resulting in 43 family participants and 1500 raffle tickets awarded for participation.
- Sponsors G.Y.M. Bags for 2nd graders at 3 District 44 Schools and at St John Lutherans
- Appointed a Coordinator for the G.Y.M. Bag Program
- On-site taping of segments for the cable show Health Local.
- Sponsored interactive tables at:
- The District 87 Wellness Fair at the College of DuPage
- The District 44 Summer Activity Fair
- The Lombard’s Senior Fair.
- The Fitness Fair at Health Track Sports and Wellness
- National Night Out in Lombard
- Invited to be the State Coordinator for the JAM (Just A Minutes) of Exercise Event in 2015.
- invited to be the State Coordinator for the Great Lakes “Apple Crunch Day” in 2015
- Coordinated activities for Westin Hotel employees through a State Health Improvement Grant
- Sponsored and participated in “Go Fly A Kite Day” at Madison School in District 44
- Health Heroes awards presented for HL by Chicago Red Stars Soccer Team Mascot, Supernova, to 4 individuals and 2 Businesses for improving the health of their workplaces.
- Invited to join ImPact DuPage
- Contacted by the towns of West Chicago and Bensenville, for advise on how to move from Strategic Planning to Active Community Participation.
- HL’s budget for 2015 is $9,500. These funds were obtained through fees for the FFF and major donations from the Wojcik Family ($1000), the Kiwanis Club of Lombard ($700), a Red Stars Fund Raiser for $90, a $50 “Believe” Grant from the Daily Herald, and donations from Pam Rivet ($25/month).
- In 2015, the Healthy Lombard Board consisted of Founder & Board President Jay Wojcik, Vice President George Matejovsky, Secretary Christine Cornell, Finance Officer Bernard Bucholz, and board members Carl Goldsmith, George Miller, Jennifer McGrath, Tom Sawczuk and Stephanie Schiszik.
- Serve as a community partner on:
- The District 87 Wellness Committee, since 2012
- THE DCHD’s FORWARD Initiative since 2010.
- West Suburban Philanthropic Network since 2014
- Giving DuPage
- Continued partnerships with the Chicago Red Stars Women’s Soccer
- Receives referrals as the group to contact for how to become involved in improving the wellness of the residents of Lombard from
- The Lombard Chamber
- The Lombard Town Center,
- Yorktown Center Shopping Mall
- and other organizations