The Healthy Lombard Foundation is a 501c3 village-wide initiative that was created in 2010 to address the epidemic of Childhood Obesity and promote a Healthy Lifestyle for all individuals. To accomplish this mission, Healthy Lombard uses a Triple A Approach of Awareness, Activities and Achievement.

Following is a review of our efforts during 2018.
- As of December 2018, HL identifies 45 Partners with links to them from the HL website.
- Major Sponsors have their logo linked on the main page of the HL website.
- The Healthy Lombard website contains a Calendar for Community Events, a daily blog, links to all partners and generated over 82,000 hits per month.
- During 2018, the website resource links were reviewed and revised to focus more closely on including only those that support the mission of Healthy Lombard
- HL partners with the College of DuPage Nursing Department to acquire student-generated, health-themed posts for its daily blog.
- HL maintained sites on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube.
- In partnership with the DuPage County Health Department, Healthy Lombard produces a half-hour cable program called, “Health Local.” It is aired on Comcast Channel 19 in the towns of: Addison, Aurora, Bensenville, Bloomingdale, Carol Stream, Darien, Downers Grove, Elmhurst, Glendale Heights, Glen Ellyn, Itasca, Lisle, Lombard, Medinah, Naperville, Oakbrook Terrace, Oak Brook, Roselle, Warrenville, Wayne, Westmont, Wheaton, Winfield, Wood Dale, and, Unincorporated Villa Park. It also airs on the Lombard Channel 6 & AT&T U-verse Channel 99(Lombard). Single segments are also uploaded to the Healthy Lombard YouTube Channel. ( That way, individuals who do not have cable can still view them.
- Maintained partnerships with two local restaurants that resulted in a nutritionist reviewing their menus and then designating items acknowledged by HL as being a healthy choice and is in the process of considering new sites for 2019
- Monthly keeps record of the number of board member’s volunteer hours
- For the 3rd year, Co-Chaired the Glenbard High School District 87 Wellness Fair
- Distributed information and signage to promote Teal Pumpkin, a campaign that encourages distributing non-food items to kids at Halloween
- Distributed Certificates of support and window clings to all Healthy Lombard Partners to display as a way to build awareness of the organization.
- Developed a monthly Healthy Happenings on-line newsletter featuring events and information provided by our partners to distribute to any family that participates in a Healthy Lombard activity. In 2018 we had 260 subscribers.
- Highlighted the efforts of Jan Roehill and the Nature Rx Program that encourages doctors to prescribe nature. The basis of the program is to get kids out into nature to promote healthy living.
- Healthy Lombard Partners were invited and participated in a survey on Impact DuPage conducted by the DuPage County Health Department
- Encouraged partners to promote “PALentines” instead of candy for Valentine’s Day
Provided partners with information on upcoming Health Fairs in the area (i.e. Lombard Senior Fair, IlliniCare Health for “Spring into Health,” and the Wheaton/Warrenville Early Childhood Collaborative Day of Play.)
- #ISPY – For the first time, we invited kids (ages 5 – 10) to play the “I Spy with my Little Eye” game with a new twist. Participants were asked to post an original candid snapshot on our Healthy Lombard Facebook Page of Holiday Season activities with the hashtag #I Spy beginning December 1 to January 1 to have a chance to win a $50 Gift Card.
- Health Heroes – Healthy Lombard asked residents to nominate an individual who has made a healthy change in their lifestyle during the past year as a Health Heroes The individuals who are chosen for the Health Heroes recognition received their awards during the March 2019 Healthy Lombard Partners Meeting.
- On-line Activities – In addition to an original Healthy Lombard crossword puzzle, a list of other indoor activities were posted for kids. These included games such as a marshmallow straw race, a snow shovel relay race, snowman bowling, mitten hunt, snow in the chimney, musical snowflakes, and snowball toss.
- Go Fly A Kite – Healthy Lombard, in partnership with the Kiwanis Club of Lombard, sponsored a “Go Fly A Kite” activity at the Lombard Park District’s Time for Tots event in April 2018. Each child was given a kite kit and encouraged to decorate the kite with stickers and markers. Then volunteers help the tots assemble the kites even adding tales and flying string. They were then encouraged to try to fly their kites either in the park district’s field or at home. To encourage this follow-up, participants were asked to take a photo of the child with their kite an send it to [email protected]for posting on the Healthy Lombard Selfie Page AND on the Kiwanis Club of Lombard website.
- Flat Apple a summer program designed to keep kids active during non-school months, was open to all partners who wished to host an event. The online registration process was again successful resulting in a total of 194 participants, an increase of 18 (representing 60 families). Activities included:
- An interactive event with WTTW Channel 11 at Mariano’s in Lombard, IL
- An interactive event at the Kids’ Corner at Lombard Cruise Night
- An interactive event at the Lombard Park District’s Open House at Paradise Bay Pool
- An activity sheet where participants earned tickets for every 45 minutes of activity they logged during the summer.
- A Challenge Question Contest where participants won a gift card for answering questions on health topics
- A Healthy Selfie opportunity where participants earned tickets each time they posted a photo of themselves on the HL website engaging in a healthy activity
- Was a major sponsor of Kid Races?
- Special Day at Health Track Sports Wellness where participants earned tickets for participating in fun activities.
- Encourage participation in Kids Bowl Free at 2 locations near Lombard.
- Was a sponsor for a series of Healthy Kid Running Series held on six consecutive Sundays at the end of summer
- Sponsored G.Y.M. Bags for primary grade students at St John Lutheran School and as part of the after-school programs at the Tri-Town YMCA the Lombard Park District. The bags were revised and updated during 2018. Total bags available now equal 50.
- Invited again to be the State Coordinator for the Great Lakes “Apple Crunch Day” in 2018
- Partnered with the Kiwanis Club of Lombard to distribute 250 Comfort Dolls to local pediatric hospitals, doctor offices, and missionaries to use with children to reduce the stress of having to undergo a medical procedure.
- New organizations/business asked to be included at each of the Quarterly Meetings
- Volunteers from the College of DuPage, the National University of Health Science, and the Islamic Foundation School have participated at the Healthy Lombard table at health fairs and assisted with summer activities.
- Board President Jay Wojcik recognized by DePaul University as a Woman of Substance for 2018
- Lombard Pharmacy agreed to not include shelves of candy at its check-out counter in its new location on Main Street.
- Edward-Elmhurst health agreed to look for alternatives to giving candy to young visitors when they visit for a procedure or accompany their parents at the Lombard location.
- Receives referrals from:
- The Lombard Chamber of Commence
- Yorktown Center Shopping Mall
- and other organizations as the group to contact on how to become involved in improving the wellness of the residents
- HL’s budget for 2018 was $11,500. These funds were obtained through grants, private donations, a fundraiser conducted by the College of DuPage Nursing Honor Society, Amazon Smiles donation, and our five levels of sponsorships from local businesses and organizations
- In 2018, the HL Board consisted of Founder & Board President Jay Wojcik, Vice President Jennifer McGrath, Vice President for Health Elizabeth Moxley, Secretary Clodagh McCall, Finance Officer Kevin Lindsay, and board members Rohma Katrawaia, Joe McCann, and Nancy Nance. Also assisting as Advisors to the board were Christine Cornell and Stephanie Schiszik
- The Healthy Lombard Board redefined its Mission Statement to better reflect the goal of the organization.
- Serve as a community partner on:
- The District 87 Wellness Committee, since 2012
- The DCHD’s FORWARD Initiative since 2010.
- West Suburban Philanthropic Network since 2014
– Giving DuPage
- FORWARD’s Healthy Municipalities Committee
- Actively Supports:
– Illinois Public Health Institute
– The Illinois Alliance to Prevent Obesity (IAPO)