This year, Flat Apple Fitness 2021 has included Foodie Fridays to promote healthy eating and cooking!
Registered participants can (1) try a suggested Foodie Friday food or (2) make a suggested recipe or (3) send in a recipe to [email protected] to earn additional 2 tickets each week.
To log in a “(Healthy) Foodie Friday “activity, the participant should write the name of what they ate or made or the title of the recipe they sent on their Tracker Sheet.
Suggestions will be induced in the weekly newsletter.
In addition, below are some ideas that participants (and their families) might like to try!
Here are some fantastic Foodie Videos that Life Coach Lori Wrzesinski made just for Healthy Lombard:
Here are some recipes you might like to try cooking with the entire family:
Earn extra Participation Tickets by sending YOUR favorite recipe to us.
It’s easy!
Just email it to [email protected]. Once it is posted, add the name of the recipe to your Tracker Sheet.