How to Flu-Proof Your CrossFit

bearexerciseIn a SELF Health article, by Alyssa Giacobbe it was stated that Wall Ball is a CrossFit staple, a multi-part exercise consisting of a full squat to launch a medicine ball vertically up the wall. You catch the ball in front of your face and then repeat the whole thing, squatting and launching again and again, often in multiples of 500, or so it seems.

I’m not especially new to CrossFit, and I’m not all that uncoordinated, and yet I can’t seem to Wall Ball without scraping the medicine ball against my face, often on the way up and then again on the way back down. When I think about what exactly I’m repeatedly brushing my mouth against—not just the well-worn ball but also everything that has touched the wall, the floor (where it rested before the workout began), my hands, and the hands of whomever handled the ball before me… well, you can see why I try not to think about it.

If you assumed plane travel had the lock on germ incubation, you’ll want to consider what happens at your gym this winter, and particularly at your CrossFit box, where packed classes of gung-ho athletes work with multiple forms of shared surfaces and hand held equipment, catching them, wheezing on them (or maybe that’s just me), and tossing them up again. At my CrossFit box, we’re given antibacterial wipes to clean up our sweat after we’re done, but that doesn’t do much to protect you during class, or in the case of partner WODs that have you sharing kettlebells with the neighborhood anti-vaxxer. What’s more, your body may be more susceptible to invasion during and post-workout, when it’s in recovery mode from all the physical exertion, while CrossFitters—a particularly type A lot—are often reluctant to take a day off from the gym even if they’re not feeling 100 percent.

One way to ward off illness, out of the gym, is to get a solid 8 hours of sleep a night and take a daily probiotic. “Probiotics can help restore our own healthy bacteria so it can do its job in supporting our immune system in the midst of taxing environmental factors, like cold winters or sweaty equipment,” says Karen Katsirubas, a a registered nurse in Durham, N.C. It’s also important to stay hydrated, especially during the months of dry indoor heat. “When mucous membranes dry out, they develop cracks in their barrier against infections,” says Austin internist Amy Siegel, M.D.

Some other preventative measures seem obvious, and you should be doing them already: Among these, lists Boston-area M.D. Jack Cornwell, are getting a flu shot, avoiding touching your face, and bringing your own water bottle (and being sure the bottle you swig from is, in fact, yours). “And don’t refill at the water fountain; the moist environment makes it one of the germ-iest places in the gym,” adds Manhattan personal trainer Amie Hoff, who was so grossed out by gym germs that she invented tags to help her clients remember which towel was theirs—and which side of it was safe to rub on their faces. If your gym doesn’t have anti-bacterial wipes, bring your own, and use them on equipment and in lockers both before and after your workout—anywhere, basically, you plan to put your appendages or belongings. Bring your own equipment when possible (maybe even invest in your own wall ball). Post-workout, always wash your hands and change immediately, since tight fabric can trap bacteria and sweat in its fibers, making germs more likely to stick to your skin. If you carry your sneakers in your gym bag, be sure to slip them into a plastic bag before throwing them back in. “This prevents germs you pick up on the bottom of your shoes from transferring to other items in your gym bag, or to the inside of the bag itself,” says Hoff. Germs: They’re nothing if not determined.

Most of all, don’t be afraid to take a day off, even if you’re feeling fine. While moderate exercise is beneficial to the immune system—and can also help you recover from a virus more quickly—too much high-intensity exercise can compromise it, says Siegel. Your WOD-mates might think you’re lazy but they’ll catch on soon enough, like when they’re sitting on their couch under a pile of blankets while you crush them in the 5-3-1.


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