Trading Healthy Quads for Bad Knees?

College of DuPage leg machineNursing Student Dan Geitz asks, “Do you feel joint pain in your knees after exercising your legs? “There may be a simple explanation. The quadriceps femoris, or “quads,” are the largest muscle group in the leg – and therefore should be exercised routinely. Running is helpful, but many people look to gain strength by doing supplemental exercises as well. Quad exercises can be very beneficial; as long as the correct exercises are being done.

One of the most common quad exercises – at least for those with access to a gym – is the seated leg extension machine. The machine involves sitting on a chair with a back at almost a 90 degree angle, and pushing weight outward and up from a padded bar at shin level. The weight can be adjusted to fit different types of workouts. The problem with the leg extension machine, however, is the strain that it causes on specific points in the knee.

While extending the leg, the stress that should be solely on the quads is also distributed to the knees – especially at full extension. This has been known to cause deviation of the kneecap, as well as ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) damage; you know, the ligament that can keep professional athletes on the sidelines for an entire year if it is torn. And to add insult to possible injury, the exercise doesn’t even have much real-world application unless you do a lot of kicking motions in your everyday life.

If you have access to a leg extension machine, you almost certainly have access to other options for quad exercises. Squats and leg press are safer alternatives in terms of potential for knee damage, and have the added benefit of strengthening multiple muscle groups at the same time. If squats intimidate you, try reverse step-ups on your bottom step at home. Just stand in front of the step, facing away from it. Place your toes from one of your feet on the step, and slowly raise yourself onto the stair. Lower yourself slowly and repeat. Switching to one of these exercises will still give you that quad burn that you know and love, but will save your knees in the process.

For more information, please visit these websites and enjoy your exercising!


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