Access to Health Services

How do we capitalize on changes within the healthcare landscape to support diverse populations?
Last year, the DuPage Health Coalition took the lead on answering this question through a joint strategic planning process with the DuPage Federation on Human Services Reform. As a result, the DuPage Safety Net Plan for Health and Human Services 2016-2018 was developed. 
The plan celebrates and coordinates the efforts of a host of inter-connected organizations, programs, and facilities in DuPage County working together to ensure that at-risk residents have timely access to necessary essential health and human services, coordinate services in ways that increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the overall Safety Net, and identify opportunities to strengthen partnerships between health care and human service providers to reduce health and well-being disparities. 
Impact DuPage has endorsed this plan and key objectives can be tracked through a new priority page on the website. The priority page outlines strategies that organizations across DuPage will be using to improve outcomes such as increasing health insurance coverage and decreasing the number of individuals who cannot see a doctor due to cost.

Impact DuPage has arranged for Liz Weaver from the Tamarack Institute of Community Engagement to lead a workshop on combining our efforts to make positive change. Tamarack and Impact DuPage share a common vision of building community networks to create positive change.
Recognizing the power of working collectively to address community needs, Impact DuPage will host this multi-part workshop to build our community’s capacity to use collective impact. We are excited to host Ms. Weaver, Tamarack Vice President, who will inspire us with her insights regarding collective impact, leadership, community innovation and influencing policy change.
We hope you will join us in this important effort to advance well-being in DuPage County. Click here for the full invitation, including details and location.
Please Note:
Registration is required for both morning and afternoon workshops and will close on April 29. Seating is limited.
The morning session includes an overview of collective impact and how it can be used to create positive community change, along with a deeper dive into practical applications in areas such as healthy lifestyles, access to health services, mental health, substance abuse, and affordable housing.
This session is especially recommended for community leaders, funders, elected officials, and individuals working towards addressing priority areas.
The afternoon session will focus on using collective impact to address affordable housing, with facilitated discussion on what we need to do to advance this priority, the role of elected officials, funders, and community, and potential policy, systems, and environmental conditions to leverage.
This discussion will build on the morning workshop, so we recommend participants in the afternoon workshop attend the entire day.

Community Engagement Matters (Now More Than Ever)
 Community engagement is an important component of achieving collective impact. Learn how to effectively work with communities by watching this panel discussionfeaturing leaders in philanthropy, policy, and advocacy organizations.
What Works for Health
What Works for Health, developed by the County Health Ranking and Roadmaps program, provides communities with information to help select and implement evidence-informed policies, programs, and system changes that will impact health and well-being. To learn more, view this 4 minute tutorial.

Questions or Requests
If you have questions about the Impact DuPage website or if you would like to schedule a website tutorial for your organization, please email[email protected].

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