Top 5 Natural Remedies for Poison Ivy Rash

Dr. Josh Axe shared asked if  you know that up to roughly 85 percent of all people are sensitive to oils found in the poison ivy plant?  It’s true, which is why poison ivy rash is so common.

Those who react to poison ivy by developing a skin rash are also very likely to develop similar symptoms from coming into contact with poison oak or poison sumac. When a person is “sensitized” to poison ivy’s oils — the skin touches the oils and enters the immune system, causing a histamine response — a form of dermatitis develops on the skin. In about 15 percent of people, this reaction becomes very severe.

Fortunately, the poison ivy rash itself isn’t contagious. It cannot be spread from body part to body part or from person to person. However, having a poison ivy rash once does not protect you from getting it again in the future, and the fact that poison ivy’s oils can linger on tools and clothing for long periods of time means a rash can easily spread. If you’re struggling to control your poison ivy symptoms, natural remedies for rashes including essential oils, supplements and compresses can all help lower itchiness and redness while you heal.

The treatments below can help keep you protected from developing a poison ivy rash in the first place, along with lowering the severity of symptoms you experience, including itchiness. Some experts believe that treatments won’t help speed up the amount of time it takes for a poison ivy rash to heal, since the immune system must gradually work through its allergic response. However, it’s likely that by boosting overall immune function before you’re even exposed to poison ivy, you’ll be able improve healing and shorten the duration of your symptoms.

1. Take Steps to Prevent a Rash

Recognizing what poison ivy plants look like (as well as poison oak and poison sumac) and avoiding exposure are the first steps in preventing a poison ivy rash from developing. Here are some pointers:

  • Poison ivy plants have three leaves and tend to be shiny and medium-sized. Some people like to remember the common phrase, “Leaves of three, let it be.” The leaves are usually bright green but can also have shades of red or yellow.
  • Poison ivy is capable of growing in many climates and is found across the U.S. It tends to grow in areas where people roam around, including the edges of trails, streets or gardens.
  • It can be found on golf courses, campsites, near the beach, hiking trails, by garages and on the side of dirt roads. The reason it’s commonly found in these areas is because the plant likes partial shade and tends to grow where densely populated woods meet open land.
  • It can appear as either a small vine or a small shrub, which means it’s sometimes on the ground but also up higher. Its base/trunk tends to grow tiny hairs on it, which means it’s a good idea to look over a whole plant if you suspect poison ivy.

A number of available creams, soaps and lotions can also be used to help lower your risk for developing symptoms if you do come into contact with the plant. However, these still won’t guarantee that you’re protected from having an allergic reaction, so always use caution when you’re working outdoors and suspect there’s poison ivy. Some people swear by using protective lotions before they garden or work outside, since these can add a buffer between the plant and your skin.

One popular new product is called Technu, which can be used right away after exposure to remove the oil. For most people, Technu works best when used within one hour or less of contact, although the manufacturers claim it’s useful for up to eight hours. (3) But again, this or any other product isn’t guaranteed to work and usually won’t do enough to prevent a reaction in people who are highly allergic.

2. Wash Your Hands and Shower After Exposure

Washing your hands or body with strong soap and water immediately after being exposed can help remove the oil and lower your risk for having a reaction. The key is to do this as soon as possible, since the more time the oil has to linger on your skin, the higher the chances are that a poison ivy rash will develop. Skip using a washcloth when washing or drying your hands, since oil can sometimes make its way onto the cloth and remain there. And make sure to wash under your fingernails where the oil can be tough to get out.

Researchers don’t know the exact window you have to wash your hands before a reaction will occur, but sooner is always better. Although other commercial washes are now available that claim to be stronger than ordinary soap — including some that contain alcohol, acetone and other chemicals — experts don’t always agree that these are any more effective in preventing a rash. Hand soap, laundry detergent and body wash/soap work well enough for most people.

3. Wear Gloves When Gardening, Then Wash Them!

Wondering what happens if you wear latex gloves or gardening gloves while contacting poison ivy?

Poison ivy’s oils can actually penetrate latex gloves, although for some people wearing them is enough to prevent a reaction. Gardening gloves can be helpful if you wash them thoroughly afterward with soap and water (or bleach), but there’s still a risk that some oil will make its way onto your skin through the gloves. Don’t forget that the oil can linger on unwashed gloves or other equipment for weeks, so be careful to wash everything that might have been exposed to the plant.

The same goes goes your clothes, socks and even shoes: Make sure to wash anything right away that was exposed. Try to retrace your footsteps and wash over any surface that might have been rubbed with the oil, including doorknobs, gardening tools, your hose or sink faucet.

4.  Apply a Cool Compress to the Rash

Experts recommend using a cool compress on the skin over areas where blisters are present. This is especially effective if you add compounds that can help control the rash, including lavender oil. You can wet a small towel or even a pillowcase (which tends to be very soft) in cold water or wrap it around ice, then gently press it against inflamed skin for 15–20 minutes at a time. Apply a compress up to several times a day if needed, ideally about every three to four hours.

Some people also choose to soak their wet compresses in solutions that can help ease swelling, including aluminum acetate. Natural treatments, including apple cider vinegaror brewed/chilled black tea, can help ease soothing due to their tannins and other compounds that lower inflammatory reactions.

5. Use Natural Anti-Itch Solutions and Natural Antihistamines

Your skin has to make direct contact with poison ivy’s oils to develop a reaction, so itching won’t cause a poison ivy rash to spread. However, it’s likely to increase itchiness and irritation, so it’s recommended you leave any affected skin alone. Instead of itching, apply natural solutions to the skin to help ease inflammation.

Herbal supplements and products that can help ease itchiness and rashes include:

  • Jewelweed: You can find bottles of this plant online, which contains an essential oil that lowers many plant poison reactions. Witch hazel is used in a similar way to treat skin and might be more readily available than jewelweed.
  • Echinacea: Echinacea can be taken in supplement form or used as a tincture to lower histamine reactions. Mix one part echinacea (tincture form) with three parts water, then apply the mixture to the skin several times per day with a compress.
  • Bentonite clay: It’s easy to make a homemade anti-itch cream using this clay, which helps dry up blisters and reduces swelling. Apply a small amount to the affected area, let it dry until it forms flakes and then gently rinse with water.
  • Colloidal oatmeal (or regular oatmeal): Try soaking in a bath with colloidal oatmeal, which can soothe blisters. Oatmeal contains substances, including avenanthramides and phenols, that have anti-inflammatory properties and help relieve itchiness. (4) You can also use regular oatmeal to make a bath  if you can’t find colooidal oatmeal online or in drug store.
  • Essential oils: Topically applying essential oils for allergies like geranium, rose, helichrysum and lavender can improve rashes by lowering inflammation. Simply add three drops of oil to a compress and apply to the area three times daily. If you have sensitive skin, you can mix three drops with a half teaspoon of coconut oil to further dilute it and reduce its strength.
  • Some people also find that taking supplements, such as vitamin B12, stinging nettle, quercetin (an antioxidant) and vitamin C, can help control their symptoms by boosting overall immunity.
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