Five years ago, National Dairy Council and America’s dairy farmers teamed up with the National Football League and other powerful partners to empower kids to make their schools a healthier place. Since then, Fuel Up to Play 60 has reached over 38 million kids in 73,000 schools, encouraging them to choose good-for-you foods and get 60 minutes of play a day.
The NDC and NFL, along with GENYOUth Foundation, U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Department of Education are proud to announce a renewed $250 million public-private partnership to benefit America’s youth.
A celebration of the program’s success and commitment to its future kicked-off in bright lights with a halftime vignette during the Jacksonville Jaguars game on NFL Network and continues with the founders of Fuel Up to Play 60 coming together in Chicago onMonday, December 9 for the formal announcement.
Glenbard District 87 has joined FUTP60 and has received over $16,000 in grants. Hopefully their Elementary Feeder School Districts will also start to explore the advantages of being part of this fantastic opportunity.