Friends Can Help You Stay Healthy

healthy_choices(1)A Year Of Being Well recently asked, Isn’t everything more fun with a friend? And the answer is YES! Wellness buddies can help you implement a healthier lifestyle, become more active and encourage you to stick to your routine. Research shows that people may be more successful at losing weight through physical activity when they have buddies or support partners.  The same is true for kids: They tend to eat healthier and be more physically active if their friends are, too. So find someone you enjoy spending time with who has similar goals - a friend, family member, colleague or neighbor - and invite them to partner with you.  Determine the activities, times and locations that work for both of you. Then get moving together! Share ideas. Motivate each other. If you stumble during your journey toward achieving your goals (and you might), don’t fret. Pick each other up. Eating better and being active with a friend is more fun.  So is celebrating success.

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