Breakfast Helps Students Bring Their A-Game to the Classroom

Dairy Food wbDairy Makes Sense shared that when parents scurry to buy school supplies and new shoes and clothes so our kids can start the school year prepared, they sometimes might miss something critical to preparation, and that something is breakfast. A daily morning meal, eaten at home or at school, can prepare students for not only a successful start to the school year, but a successful start to every school day.

Research shows that kids who eat breakfast score higher on tests, as well as have better attendance and behavior in the classroom. Not to mention, breakfast-eaters have improved overall nutrition since kids who skip breakfast rarely make up for missed nutrients later in the day.

To help students bring their A-game to the classroom, remember to make breakfast a back-to-school to-do for your family. Here are some ideas for simple, kid-friendly breakfasts:

Milk cereal for all its worth: For its taste and nutritional value, milk and cereal is one of the greatest breakfast pairings of all time. Instead of one type of whole-grain ready-to-eat cereal, offer kids a mixture of several types. Also, try hot cereals such as oatmeal, and be sure to prepare them with fat-free or low-fat milk instead of water.

Tip: Top any cereal and milk combo with fresh fruit to add even more flavor and nutrients.

Think outside the cereal box, too: Who says foods eaten in the morning have to be traditional breakfast foods? To change up your breakfast routine, serve snacks and other mealtime favorites such as cheese and crackers with fruit or a veggie-topped pizza.

Tip: Let kids make a list of non-traditional foods they’d like to try for breakfast. When they’re involved in the decision making, they are more likely to eat what’s in front of them.  

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