18 Effective Tips to Sleep Better  

David Wright from Bestpicko shared with Healthy Lombard that uninterrupted sleep through the night is crucial for good health. And anybody suffering from disturbed sleep patterns should work on improving sleep hygiene.

Many studies confirm that physical and mental health largely depends on sound sleep (1234567). It is impossible to live a productive life without an interrupted sleep pattern. If you want to stay alert and mindful throughout the day, you need to let your body and mind relax for at least 7-8 hours.

There are different methods and rules to improve your sleep significantly. Here are 18 tips that you can start implementing today.

1. Minimize Daytime Naps

Daytime naps don’t substitute nighttime sleep. But if you feel down during the day time and find it hard to stay alert, it is better to develop a habit of 30 minutes daytime nap. It refreshes your body and mind and improves your mood (8).

But if you already tend to sleep for more than an hour during the daytime, you need to reduce this time down to 30 minutes or to stop doing it at all (910). In this case, you can feel the urge to go into the bed at the right time in the evening. 

2. Avoid Alcohol and Caffeine after the Sunset

You need to make sure that these stimulants aren’t disturbing your routine so consume moderate quantity and avoid using any of these stimulants after the sunset.

Alcohol is known for making you fall asleep early. But the fact is that if you consume alcohol just before bedtime, it disturbs your sleep because your body begins processing alcohol which keeps you from a relaxed sleep.

Also, alcohol inhibits melatonin production, which is very important for your sleep quality (1112).

To see the other tips, click here.

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